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The Vision of Pioneers

Since 2003 we have been trading global financial markets providing liquidity through innovation. We built our first fully automated strategies in the mid 2000s. More recently, we were one of the early pioneers successfully applying machine learning models to trading.

Our vision is to enable limitless opportunity, trading any market, anywhere

Our mission is to produce a consistently high level of profitability in order to deliver significant wealth creation opportunities for our staff, shareholders and partners

Tyler Capital trades global financial markets

We are now at the forefront of adaptive learning and other cutting-edge financial technology. We build deeply automated systems, using some of the most sophisticated systematic and machine learning based techniques in the world.


We are proud of our ability to produce high returns and our commitment to sharing the treasure we generate with our people. We are looking for people who share our values and our passion to build systematic trading systems.


A rigorous and fully integrated risk management framework is central to our business model and company strategy. This helps generate a high-quality return on capital over the long term.​


Tyler Capital is an independent organisation, owned by its leaders and employees.

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©2003-2024 Tyler Capital Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


24 King William Street, London, EC4R 9AT, UK

Email: | Tel: +44 20 7663 3700


Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Firm Reference Number 844580

Registered in England with Company Number 04971692


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